Azure Application Role Assignment
This page explains how to set application roles necessary to connect to Secberus.
Below are step-by-step instructions for assigning the Reader role to a Secberus-connected Azure AD App at the Subscription or Resource Group level in the Azure Portal.
At the end, you’ll also find a guide for granting User(s) access to provision Secberus-connected Apps with roles at both the Subscription and Resource Group levels.
When onboarding an Azure Data Provider onto the platform, you must grant permissions to read either a subscription or a resource group—only one is necessary. Assigning our App a role at the Subscription level gives it permissions to all of its nested Resource Groups, too, whereas granting permissions at the Resource Group level gives you fine-grained control over which parts of your cloud you want for us to access.
App Service Permissions
Note that you will need to add a Role Assignment at the subscription level for all of the following services:
- Reader
- Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action
- Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action
- Key Vault Reader
Granting Access to a Subscription
- Navigate to the Subscription service in your Azure Portal.
- Select the Subscription you would like to grant access to from the list.
- From the Subscription Overview page, select the Access control (IAM) tab on the left side of the screen.
- Click the +Add button toward the top-left of the page and select Add role assignment in the resultant dropdown menu.
- Leave the Assignment type set to Job function roles and select Next.
- Search for and select the Reader role and click Next.
- Click + Select members and then search for and select the entry for the app created for a Secberus data source:
- Confirm the app is listed under Selected members and click Select.
- Confirm the Selected role and Members are correct and select Review + assign.
- Confirm the Scope is correct and click Review + assign.
- Navigate to the Role assignments tab on the Access control (IAM) page and verify that the role assignment you’ve created is correct.
- Repeat these steps for the following permissions:
- Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action
- Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action
- Key Vault Reader
You have assigned an application role to your Secberus Application.
Now complete the Secberus onboarding by clicking "connect" on your Secberus Account.
Granting Access to a Resource Group
- Navigate to Resource groups in the Azure Portal.
- Select the Resource group you would like to grant access to from the list and follow the link in its Name.
- From the Resource group Overview page, select Access control (IAM).
- Click +Add button and select Add role assignment in the resultant dropdown menu:
- Leave the Assignment type set to Job function roles and select Next.
- Search for and select the Reader role and click Next.
- Click + Select members and then search for and select the Secberus app to assign.
- Confirm the app is under Selected members and click Select.
- Confirm the Selected role and Members and click Review + assign.
- Confirm the scope and select Review + assign.
- Repeat these steps for the following permissions:
- Microsoft.Web/sites/config/list/action
- Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action
- Key Vault Reader
You have assigned a resource group to your application.
Now complete the Secberus onboarding by clicking "connect" on your Secberus Account.
Updated about 1 year ago