
This page explains how to setup Organizations within Secberus.

Organizations overview

Organizations are specific groupings of cloud environments, users, policies, and workflows created in order to segment posture visibility & actions.

Organizations allow for easy visibility across different scopes of an enterprise's cloud footprint. Common Organizations are applications, business units, teams, or grouping of cloud environments.



Only users with the role account owner, can create, edit, and remove organizations. By default, your Secberus account will be set up with one organization and one user that has the role of account owner. There can be multiple users with the account owner role within a Secberus account.

Creating an organization

  1. Navigate to the Secberus Admin by clicking Manage account in the Organization Select Menu.
Manage organizations
  1. Navigate to the Organizations page and select + New organization to bring up the setup screen.
Select '+ New organization'

Select '+ New organization'

  1. Name your Organization, and use the Create button to complete your setup.
Populate the 'Name' field and Select 'Create'

Populate the 'Name' field and Select 'Create'

Whatโ€™s Next

Now it is time to onboard your cloud environments to your newly created Organization.