Sumo Logic Integration

How to setup a Sumo Logic integration.

Integration overview

Sumo Logic provides a secure, cloud-based service for logs and metrics management with real-time analytics and insights. A Secberus integration with Sumo Logic can be configured to stream your Secberus account activity log data to a Sumo Logic HTTP Logs and Metrics Source.


Notes on the Sumo Logic integration

  • There can only be one Sumo Logic integration per Secberus account.
  • Only users with the account owner role will be able to create Sumo Logic integrations.

Setup a Sumo Logic integration

  1. Log in to your Sumo Logic account to setup an HTTP Logs and Metrics Source.
  2. In the Sumo Logic left-navigation menu, click Manage Data and then Collection to open the Collection tab.
  3. At the top-right of the Collection tab, click Add Collector.

Select 'Add Collector'

  1. In the Click Selector Type modal window, click Hosted Collector.
  2. In the Add Hosted Collector modal window type Secberus in the Name field. Click Save.

'Name' the Hosted Collector and click 'Save'

  1. In the Confirm prompt, click OK.
  2. Under Cloud APIs, click HTTP Logs & Metrics.

Select 'HTTP Logs & Metrics'

  1. In the HTTP Logs & Metrics form type secberus-http in the Name field and secberus-events in the Source Category field. Click Save.
  2. In the HTTP Source Address prompt, copy the listed URL and click OK. You will use this URL in the next step as the HTTP Source URL for your Secberus integration.
  3. Within the Secberus application, navigate to Settings > Integrations.
  4. Click the Sumo Logic button under Create new integrations.

Navigate to 'Settings' -> 'Integrations' and select 'Sumo Logic'

  1. Name the integration and input the HTTP Source URL.
  2. Click Save to complete the integration.
setup Sumo logic integration

Name the integration, input the 'HTTP Source URL', and select 'Save'


Sumo Logic integration is now complete!